Lo-Fi / Chillhop / Jazzhop
[Single] Cerulean
[EP] Drifted
[Single] Poppy
[Single] Tapioca
[Single] Tulips
[Single] Into The Woods
[Single] Mellifluous
[Single] Dreams in Satin
[Single] Back Home
[Single] City Mall
[Single] Love is being stupid together
[Album] Patisserie
[Single] Madeleine
[Single] California Dreamin' - Simber & Dpsht
[Single] Parasail
[Album] Back To Life
[Single] Beneath The Skies
[Compilation] Last Summer 2022
[Compilation] Home Again
[Single] Celeste
[Single] Pocket Warmers
[Single] Hiraeth
[Single] Wellspring
[Album] To The Moon
[Single] Somersault
[Album] Cwtch
[Comp] Sundowner
[Single] Safe Place
[Comp] Hello Spring 2022
[EP] Back To School
[Single] Butterfly Effect
[Single] Forget Me Not
[Single] Vendo
[EP] Pueblo Vista x Dpsht
[Beat Tape] Rest Easy
[EP] Wonder! Wander!
[Comp] Kindbrew Vol. 4
[Single] Laniakea
[Single] Nightcap
[Single] A Nostalgic Romance
[Single] fxnd.
[Single] Cascade
[EP] Lemons
[Single] Kiss Me Goodnight
[EP] Serene
[Single] Kanojo
[Single] Zesty
[Single] Tachibana
[Single] 16oz
[EP] Between Two Shores
[Single] Feelin'
[Single] Pull Up
[Single] Nightfall
[Single] False Hope
[Single] Love Sickness
[EP] Retrospect
[Single] Drizzle ft. Maki Fuego
Fall in Love - Autumn Compilation
[EP] Biosphere
[EP] Throwback
[Single] Caffe Latte
[Single] Calm Waters

Aspiring lo-fi hiphop / chillhop / jazzhop artists from the Philippines.Been producing for almost 12 years now and its been quite a journey starting from doing shit beats to trap music, to EDM and now on chillest genre of them all.Hope you like what you see here and honestly, I would love to hear your thoughts about it. So please don't hesitate to contact me on my socials or send a mail to me and maybe we can work together in the future.Thank you so much for visiting here, have a great one!